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T171 TMA01/Question One
T171 TMA01/Question Two

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T171 YOU, Your Computer and the Net
Question One

As you would expect from the one of the largest news provider in the world. BBC.com has had considerable care and attention poured into it to make absolutely certain that it presents a clear, accessible, up-to-minute news to all aspects of modern life starting from sport, passing through politics, ending in business. Even without (Back) and (Next) bottoms, you can navigate through the page using the browser's bottoms and the search engine that is placed on the right top of the page. Related Microsoft Antitrust case articles are categorized in such a way that the link has to change its colour when it is visited, so you will not feel missed. The site search engine plays a major role in finding quickly and clearly what you need. The colour scheme seems clean, modern and professional. From another hand the objectivity of the site is clearly "NEWS", and it is not a mask  for advertising. The currency of the links at the right down and the left of the screen is up to date and there is no dead links. For the over all coverage the pages of the site did no require special soft-ware to view the information and it is totally free news. page there is very clear links under attractive titles that provide complete and up-to-date coverage.
As BBC.com is a reputable news provider it reflects its balanced view through mentioning the perspectives of both players in that case - Microsoft and the US Government. "The US Department of Justice alleged that Microsoft had used its domination of the operating system market to restrict competition." Microsoft said "it faced a great deal of competition and that its actions reflected that fact." The overall impression was that the site does what it sets out to do. If there was one criticism, it was that the name of the writer or the analyst and his direct e-mail or phone number is not mentioned, also navigation could be improved by adding "back", "next" and "top" bottoms.        TOP

Question Two

This page is part of the achieve of  wired.com which it is clear from its URL that it is a commercial web which depends on Ads to fund its activities. The page that we are focusing on has 20 links that is supposed to discuss Microsoft Anti-trust case from  different points of view. But you will be surprised when you find that there is a lot of articles that did not relate to the main subject, such as "Microsoft Plays to Film Industry" that discuss how Microsoft wants Hollywood to use its Media Player technology in the industry from start to finish...etc. Both the time and the date is labeled beside every link. The navigation in this  site is a kind of mess - no back & next bottoms and the articles are not categorized under clear titles. You will found a mix of articles dealing with different subjects where Micro-soft is a major player. Under the antitrust title there was an article that shows how "EU Tries to Force MS to Compete".
The search engine at the right top of the page can be remarked as a good point for this site in which its simplify the searching process. The background is simple. I found this site not so balanced in which the focus was on the superiority of Microsoft and its customer services - ex. Worm exploits weak link. The animated ads at the right of the screen are not relevant to the subject of the articles. The information found in this site (at least for me) is weak because LYCOS   "collect information from the free member registration to enhance the content you see on the Lycos Network, such as news, stocks portfolios..." The most important critique for this site is that the Privacy Policy is placed at the bottom of the page in which the visitor can not easily found the terms and conditions of of the information he/she is searching for. Form my point of view  this site could be improved (If managers want to keep in "NEWS" field) by employing professionals and expertise in NEWS field to improve the quality of their information. And from technical view, navigation could be enhanced by using attractive titles to categorize the articles under related topics. And "Next",  "back", "top" bottoms will play a crucial role.        TOP

   Evaluating these two webs is based on :
 - http://www.library.cornell.edu/olinuris/ref/research/webcrit.html

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